For Donation

Fund Raise

Fund Raise & Utilization

Utilization of Funds is enforced to share and allocate to the programmes which are prepared for Poor people, Old age people, Orphanage, Physically Handicap etc. The fund utilization is plays a very crucial role at trust.  We Winners Foundation are making a breakeven to the poor students who want to pursue the secondary and higher educations. Few programmes which we are planning and planned are..

  • Food for Poor People
  • Health & Treatment for Poor People
  • Caring to Orphans
  • Give Education

Winners Foundation is planned to give trainings and education programmes in Free Of Cost. The training secessions in Tailoring, Boutique, Painting and Plantation for women. The self assistance programmes for all genders in small scale business, home makers, stitching, technical training.

  • Job placements for the needy women’s
  • Communication Skills Development Programmes
  • Hobby & Training Programmes
  • Academic subjects training programmes

Utilization of funds is also to insure and secure to people in their un-expectable life situations, we Winners Foundation are allocating the instant service of General Insurance in zero Costing.

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